Cell Phones and Electronic Devices
BESD Student Use of Electronic Devices Policy 5305 -(2) All electronic devices will be turned off, not used, and be kept out of sight during class time. (3) Policies governing student use of electronic devices before school, between class times, during their lunch and/or recess periods, and during and after school activities will be determined at the school level.
BRMS Student Use of Electronic Devices Policy - (Medical accommodations will be made according to IEP and 504 guidelines)
No personal electronic devices are allowed during instructional time. Students may access electronic devices during passing time, lunch, and before and after school. Upon entering the classroom, students are required to place their electronic devices into the electronic device caddy.
Warning and Consequence -
First offense: The electronic device goes to the teacher's desk. The teacher chats with the student and reiterates the rules before returning the device. The teacher then emails the parents and records the incident in the Educator’s Handbook.
Second offense: An office referral is made in the Educator’s Handbook. The device is brought to the office and will be returned at the end of the day, and a Lunch Detention is assigned. The Educator's Handbook referral may result in a drop in citizenship by the classroom teacher.
Repeat offenders will have additional consequences as deemed appropriate by the administration, including, but not limited to, additional lunch detentions, not allowing the electronic device at school, checking the device each morning in the office, a behavior tracker, etc.
Parents/guardians are encouraged to call the office to contact or check out their students.