About Us

Bear River Middle School is located in Garland, Utah. It serves the residents of Northern Box Elder County. It is part of Box Elder School District and includes grades 8 and 9. BRMS serves approximately 700 students, has 43 teachers and 25 staff members.

Our mission at BRMS is to Ensure Every Student Learns at Higher Levels.

Our Vision Statement:
Bear River Middle School is a place where team members work together to develop the “whole” person, to foster high levels of learning within each student, and ensure all students gain essential academic and life skills necessary to compete in a world economy.

In order to accomplish our mission and vision

We Will:

  • Encourage a safe and welcoming learning environment where administrators, teachers, students, and staff will work to create an atmosphere of support and trust.

  • Involve all stakeholders in the learning process.

  • Provide the support needed for all students to meet high learning expectations.

Professional Learning Communities will be utilized to: 

  • Increase student achievement by encouraging student engagement with hands on collaborative activities that lead to high levels of learning.

  • Develop instructional strategies that reflect current research and proven effective classroom practices.

  • Provide informative assessments, targeted interventions, and appropriate extensions.

Our focus for the 2015-16 school year is our mission statement, "Ensure every student learns at higher levels." 
We are targeting the following three areas:
1. Tasking (Student Engagement)
2. Differentiation (Ensure all students are proficient & challenged)
3. Bear Dens (Ensure students feel a sense of belonging)

Recent Data:
Sage Scores

SAGE Results for Bear River Middle

SAGE Results for Bear River Middle

School Grading 2015 School Year

School Grading 2015 School Year

2014-15 School Year:
This year at BRMS we are "focusing on what is important." Our PLC teams are helping all students learn at higher levels by focusing on core elements that impact student learning. Two years ago we implemented BEAR Time. This is a school wide program we use to provide interventions and enrichment activities for all students depending on their individual needs.

Our teachers are also in the process of creating websites in order to provide students and parents with more information about classroom instruction, curriculum, and assessment. You may view these sites on the 
faculty page by clicking on the teacher's name. 

Last year our students participated in SAGE testing. The SAGE test replaced the end of year CRT tests. For more information regading SAGE testing please click on our 
Principal's Page. Below you will find our SAGE scores from the 2013-14 school year. 

2013-14 SAGE Results

In October 2014 our eighth grade students took the EXPLORE Test. This is the second year students in our district have had the opportunity to participate in the ACT preparation program. Students will take the PLAN Test in tenth grade. The Explore and Plan Tests help students plan their high school courses, prepare for the ACT, and choose a career direction. Please visit the ACT website for more information on the EXPLORE Test.

2014-15 EXPLORE Results:

2014-15 EXPLORE Results

2013-14 EXPLORE Results:

2013-14 EXPLORE Results


BRMS received a B (331/600 points) for the 2014 school year. Below you will find links that will lead you to more information regarding school grading. 
Details regarding BRMS School Grade
Box Elder School District's Grades
Information about the PACE Report
Utah's Data Gateway

Photo of school staff.