Title I
What is Title I?
Title I is a federal education program under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965, which was renamed as No Child Left Behind (NCLB) in 2001. Title I, Part A provides Utah with Federal funds each year to help higher poverty schools provide supplemental educational services to meet the needs of disadvantaged students.
What are the Goals of Title I?
Help students to achieve academic success in Reading/Language Arts and Mathematics
Increase student performance in high poverty schools through school-wide reform
Enhance parents’ abilities to help their children succeed through quality parental involvement activities
Annual Title 1 Information for Parents (Link)
Comprehensive Needs Assessment
Title 1 Coordinator: Heidi Jo West
Parent-School Learning Compact
Compacto de Padres/Escuela/Estudiantes
Parent Engagement Plan
Política de Participación de Padres
Additional Resources
Title 1 Parent Meeting Presentation
Purpose of Title I Program:
"...to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and read, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging state academic academic achievement standards and state achievement assessments."
What does Title I pay for?
Title I is a supplemental program designed to provide instructional support to eligible students who exhibit an academic need to improve the educational program of an entire school. At McKinley Elementary, Title I funds pay for some or all of the following:
Full day Kindergarten teacher
Full day Kindergarten aide
Instructional aides
Parent involvement nights
Additional supplies and materials
Professional development for instructional staff
Math coach
Title I Determination:
Title I eligibility is based on the following criteria:
Percentage of students in each school who qualified for free and/or reduced lunch.
State numbers obtained on October 31st of the previous year.
Five schools in Box Elder School District are funded each year.
Title I Requirements:
With increased funding comes increased opportunities, but also increased expectations and accountability. Title I requirements include:
Instruction be research-based
Challenging academic content and standards (especially in reading, math, and science).
Same expectations for all students
Same assessments to measure achievement
Reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities
Inclusion of limited English proficient students
At least 95% of students be assessed from each target population
Teacher Qualifications:
All teachers working in Title I schools must be "highly qualified" - or, a teacher with full certification and license to teach in the state. New teachers must have an undergraduate degree, appropriate license, and pass rigorous competency tests.